Workplace Mediation

Conflict is something that many people spend their lives trying to avoid however research shows that 85% of both individual contributors and leaders have experienced some amount of inevitable conflict at work. In addition to this, 29% of all employees said that they experienced almost constant conflict and 12% said they also saw conflict frequently among leaders.

Conflict at work can take many forms; it might be an individual with a grievance, a problem between an employee and a manager or a conflict between two co-workers. Any of these situations can result in a demotivated workforce and reduced productivity which can prove costly to a business.

The CBI estimates that conflict costs UK business £33 billion per year, taking up 20 percent of leadership time and potentially losing up to 370 million working days. Recent research by Oxford Economics estimates the overall cost of replacing just one new member of staff can be up to £30,000.

What are the benefits of Workplace Mediation?

Workplace Mediation is a cost-effective solution that can bypass many of the other expensive, time-consuming and confrontational routes to resolution. With this extra level of support, it often becomes easier for people to flourish, work more effectively and attain their full potential which in turn benefits themselves, their peers and the organisation.

Organisations participating in our Workplace Mediation with direction have reported:

  • A significant reduction in disruption in the workplace caused by conflict
  • A reduction in staff turnover costs associated with re-recruitment and re-training when those affected by the conflict leave the organisation
  • Improved channels of communication with leaders bringing policy to life via the organisational culture through modelling and education


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